



来源:/     发布时间:2017-08-31  


  1, do not rust because of the glass steel pipe is made of nonmetal materials of resin and fiberglass. Therefore, both in use or in the idle process, will not rust, so there is no need for anti rust, rust treatment.

  2、耐腐蚀性 FRP管道能够抵抗酸、碱、盐、海水、未经处理的污水、腐蚀性土壤或地下水及众多化学流体的腐蚀.

  2. Corrosion resistant FRP pipes resist acid, alkali, salt, sea water, untreated sewage, corrosive soil or groundwater, and the corrosion of numerous chemical fluids

  3、摩擦阻力小,输送能力高 FRP管道内表面非常光滑,糙率系数小,水利系数C可长期保持在145-150范围内,经测试得到其水流摩阻损失系数f为0.000915,能显著减少沿程的流体压力损失,提高输送能力20%以上.

  3, small friction resistance, high transmission capacity of FRP pipe inner surface is very smooth, the roughness coefficient is small, water coefficient C can be maintained in the range of 145-150 for a long period of time, is obtained by the test the water friction loss coefficient f is 0.000915, can significantly reduce the loss of fluid pressure, increase the transmission capacity of more than 20%.

  5、耐热抗冻性好 FRP管的温度使用范围一般在-40℃~80℃之间,若先用特殊树脂其使用温度可达到更高.

  5, heat resistance, frost resistance is good, FRP tube temperature range of use is generally between -40 degrees ~80 degrees, and if the first use of special resin, its use temperature can reach higher

  6、电、热绝缘性好 FRP是非导体,管道的绝缘性好,适应使用于输电、电信线路密集区和多雷区,FRP管的传热系数很小(0.25kcal/m·h·℃),因此管道的保温性好,热损失少.

  6, electricity, heat insulation of FRP is a non conductor, pipe insulation, used in power transmission and telecommunication lines and the most concentrated area of CAAC to FRP tube heat transfer coefficient is very small (0.25kcal/m H C), so the pipeline and good insulation, less heat loss.

  7、轻质高强,运输安装方便 FRP管道的比重为1.7-1.9,与同压力、同管径的其他材质管道比较,FRP管道单位长度、重量约等于钢管的30%,因此运输安装十分方便,FRP管道每根长度可达12m,安装快速简便.另外可免除安装钢管所需的焊接和防锈、防腐处理等工序.

  7, light weight and high strength, convenient transportation and installation of FRP pipe accounted for 1.7-1.9, compared with other pipelines with the same diameter, pressure, weight per unit length, FRP pipeline steel is approximately equal to 30%, so the transportation is very convenient for installation, FRP pipeline per root length up to 12M, quick and convenient installation. In addition to welding and rust and corrosion protection processing process from steel pipe installation required.

  8、可设计性强 根据具体使用情况,可对缠绕玻璃钢管的具体性能及形状进行设计:

  8, the design can be strong, according to the specific use of circumstances, the winding glass fiber reinforced concrete performance and shape of the design:


  The winding angle can be designed so that the tube has different longitudinal / annular strength distribution;


  The wall thickness can be designed so that the tube can withstand different internal and external pressures;


  Thirdly, the material can be designed to achieve different corrosion resistance purposes, flame retardant purposes, dielectric purposes, etc.;


  The design of the head way can be applied to different installation conditions so as to improve the installation speed of the project


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